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Approximately 60% of Catalan companies foresee an innovation process during 2023, 4% more than last year (56.4%), according to the Barometer of Innovation in Catalonia prepared by ACCIÓ.

Among the different objectives established, the most noteworthy, and therefore, that want to be achieved are: improving efficiency, increasing billing and productivity or cutting the average costs of your products or services.

The main explanation for the increase in innovative activity, explains the Secretary for Business and Competitiveness and CEO of ACCIÓ, is due to “the end of the crisis caused by Covid-19, the tractor effect of the Next Generation and Horizon Europe funds ”, but also, justified by the growth of the internationalization of Catalan companies.

Based on these and other data obtained, the ACCIÓ document finds a marked correlation between the growing international character of the Catalan business ecosystem and the search for new and better products and services, thus verifying that according to the barometer, 58% of companies who say they innovate will also export, while the 30% that come to Catalonia will dedicate resources to innovation in 2023.

Mainly, there has been innovation in the field of the product (almost 60%) and in information and communication systems (50%), but importance has also been given to production processes (37.2%), process development business (35.1%), administration and management (28.4%), among others.

In fact, according to the forecasts of the companies and the data obtained, the impact of this innovative activity would mean an increase in efficiency of 61.9%, on turnover of 54.5%, productivity of 50.5%, the reduction in the average cost of the product or server by 32.3% and the increase in workers by 16%. These statements lead Albert Castellanos to ensure that: “innovation is the main lever for companies to grow, export, be more productive and create new jobs”.

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