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Barcelona will make a total of 1,908 subsidised housing units available to the elderly by January 2024. This represents an increase of 33% over the 1,433 homes currently in operation. This increase will be realised when the 475 new homes currently in various stages of construction come into service.

The new buildings still under construction and those already in operation are protected rentals, aimed at people over 65 in a vulnerable situation and with difficulty accessing housing.


The average monthly price of each flat is 444 euros and one of the requirements for access is that the annual income must be equal to or less than 2.5 times the public income indicator for multiple effects (IPREM). In addition, the Municipal Institute of Social Services (IMSS) subsidises 62% of the cost of all developments.

The profile of the people who usually benefit from this promotion is around an average age of 81.2 years, 72% are women and 81% of them live alone.


The users are usually elderly people, as we have mentioned above, and for this reason the homes are equipped to provide them with a comfortable and functional life. The flats are fully adapted and easily accessible.

The beneficiaries are provided with services that help them to maintain personal autonomy, as well as improve their living conditions and delay as much as possible their residential admission. The accommodation has the following services:

  • Telecare
  • Toilets equipped for easy access and to prevent falls
  • Sockets at convenient heights
  • Multi-purpose rooms for community activities
  • Concierge service
  • Geriatric and cleaning professionals
  • Internal alarm service

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