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According to data announced by real estate consultancy firm CBRE, logistics leases in Catalonia hit 710,000 m2 in 2024, up 33% from the previous year and an all time high in the sector.

This figure is also higher than the average for the past five years, at 655,000 m2, and for the past ten years, at 600,000 m2. It should also be noted that over 50% of demand was for new products, half in the second logistics ring, and that net leases totalled 530,000 m2, or 75% of the total.

This positive behaviour in logistics leases has driven up prices in the first ring, which are at €9 per square metre/month, 6% higher year-on-year, and also in the second ring, with yearly growth above 7% for €7.25 per square metre/month. Finally, rent in the third ring has held stable at €4.25 per square metre/month.

Sources at CBRE highlight that increased leasing in 2024 wasn’t accompanied by a corresponding increase in investment due to lack of product. Nevertheless, they say that strong demand and new logistics products available in 2025 point to notable growth in investment.


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