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QEV Technologies will lead the reindustrialisation project of Nissan’s Zona Franca factory in Barcelona, with its plan to generate an electromobility hub.

The Catalonia-based engineering group QEV plans to convert the facility into an electric vehicle hub and promises to produce 100,000 electric vehicles per year within three years. 

Nissan's Barcelona plant has a new owner: QEV Technologies will reactivate production with electric cars

“Under the plan proposed by the electromobility hub, it would occupy Nissan’s two existing production lines to produce various vehicle models,” the Japanese carmaker said in a statement. However, “specific space and asset requirements will be discussed with them to see if the final configuration of the project can accommodate other complementary projects,” it said.

On the other hand, according to Nissan, “negotiations with the candidate companies QEV Technologies and Silence for the reindustrialisation of the Sant Andreu de la Barca and Montcada i Reixac sites are at a very advanced stage, pending finalisation of the last details of the global reindustrialisation agreement for all Nissan plants in Barcelona”.

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