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INCASÒL has sold a plot of 11,363.04 m2 in the Plans de la Sala sector, Sallent (Bages), to Planxisteria Industrial M. Vidal, SL. With this operation, INCASÒL exhausts the available land in the sector.

Planxisteria Industrial M. Vidal together with Mecanizados Gumer SLU, they form a group specialized in industrial sheet metalworking, laser cutting, folding, welding, machining and assembly. With an investment of approximately four million euros, they will build a warehouse to expand operations and create 10 new jobs.

The Plans de la Sala sector is connected to important roads such as the C-16 (Eix del Llobregat) and the C-25 (Eix Transversal), promoting the economic activity of Bages with companies such as Top Cable, Climesa, Holding Grupo MTA, Ferros Puig, Casa Mas, and the LOGIS Bages logistics center.

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