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  • Tourists spent 19,050.5 million euros, 9.1% more than in 2016
  • Tourists from the USA stand out in terms of both numbers and money spent

According to information recently published by the Conselleria d’Empresa i Coneixement (the Ministry of Enterprise and Knowledge of the Catalan Government), a total of 19,314,000 foreign tourists visited Catalonia in 2017, which is 5.5% more than the previous year.

The increases in numbers of tourists from the United States (27.9%) and Russia (22.7%), as well as from Nordic Countries (7.3%), the Netherlands (6%) and the United Kingdom (4.9%) are noteworthy. The Ministry of Enterprise and Knowledge also noted the excellent figures from Central and South America, which grew by 24.7%.

Furthermore, visitors spent 19,050.5 million euros. This figure represents a revenue of 1,582 million euros more than the previous year, and which is 9.1% more than in 2016. With regard to their markets of origin, the increased spending of tourists from the United States (32.4%), the Netherlands (23.4%), Russia (11%), Nordic Countries (7.6%), and Germany (6.6%) was noteworthy. There was also excellent data from the Central and South American markets and the rest of the world.

Although a slowdown in activity was detected during the last quarter, mainly in Barcelona, ​​these figures support Catalonia, not just as a major Mediterranean international tourist destination, but also one at a leading global level. Tourism is currently one of the most important economic sectors in the country, as it accounts for 12 percent of GDP and employs over 350,000 people.


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