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  • • The Catalan multinational corporation is the leading producer of blood and plasma derivatives
  • • The Catalan pharmaceutical sector makes up 46% of the total industry in Spain

Catalan multinational corporation Grífolsthe leading producer of blood and plasma derivatives with 24 subsidiaries and present in 90 countries, is considering investing 1.2 billion euros over the next five years. The bulk of this investment, 81%, will go to expanding factories abroad, above all in North America. The remaining 19% will mainly go to Catalonia, receiving 192 million euros through 2020.

Grífols is currently in the final stage of construction on a purification plant for plasma derivatives in Parets del Vallès. The company has invested 55 million euros in this plant that will be ready in early 2018, as well as operational improvements in the rest of their industrial facilities. It will also build a new factory for the Diagnostics division to produce medical instruments, with 10 million euros in investment.

The Catalan pharmaceutical sector, extremely important as it makes up 46% of the industry in Spain, has continued investing in R&D, new facilities and bolstering projects in Catalonia in 2016.

In this regard, it must be noted that new investments have been announced by Laboratoris Echevarne, which will invest 10 million euros to build a new headquarters in Sant Cugat, and Laboratoris Esteve, which has opened a new center at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) to develop and design new treatments for chronic pain as part of a join research project with PCB scientists, with 20 million euros earmarked for R&D at the Park by Laboratoris Esteve.

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