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  • • The new center will create more than 200 new value-added jobs
  • • Zurich has chosen Barcelona because it meets all the conditions to attract global talent

The Zurich multinational insurance group has chosen Barcelona as the location of its global big data center. According to sources inside the company, investment in this new center will create more than 200 new jobs over the coming years.

This new work center will serve all the group’s divisions around the world and shows the insurance company’s commitment to Barcelona. The center Zurich currently has in the city employs more than 250 people. The new positions, which will nearly double the company’s staff in Barcelona, will all be high value-added jobs for candidates with international profiles. 

In this regard, Zurich highlights that they have chosen Barcelona because the city has all the right characteristics to attract global talent, as it is attractive, home to world-renowned institutions, with great quality of life and affordable cost of living and facilities.

It was thanks to these strictly objective criteria, according to Zurich, that the Catalan capital edged out other European cities considered initially. It must be noted that the insurance company already has its Zurich Innovation Lab, started in 2006 as an incubator for innovative ideas to design and develop functional prototypes based on disruptive technology to introduce drastic changes in the sector.

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