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  • • Barcelona Catalonia will give a general overview of its main projects at Expo Real
  • • Real estate investment in Catalonia in 2015 was roughly €2 billion

There’s no doubt that the office and logistics markets in Barcelona and Catalonia have been revived, and Barcelona Catalonia will be at Expo Real again this year to present its projects in these areas to foreign investors.

In this regard, it must be noted that real estate investment in Barcelona and Catalonia in 2015 hit an all-time record of roughly €2 billion, with notable growth in investment in offices (+52%) and industrialand logistics buildings (+43%). Everything points to this trend continuing throughout 2016, as will the influx of foreign capital, which made up 85% of all investment in Barcelona last year.

The Barcelona Catalonia booth will give investors a general overview of the main urban-development projects underway in Barcelona and Catalonia along the Mediterranean railway corridor. Noteworthy among these projects are 22@Eix BesòsSagreraMarina del Prat Vermell,Pla Delta andParc de l’Alba, the last with 1,500,000 m² of floor space available for a variety of economic activities, at one of the most advanced science, technology and business platforms in Europe.

At the Intelligent Urbanization Forum 2016, where cities like Berlin and Barcelona will present their innovative urban-planning strategies, the Catalan capital will present its 22@ project and the recently inaugurated Diagonal-Besòs campus. This project has seen €97.5 million in investment and creates a new metropolitan center. The campus aims to become a benchmark hub for research and teaching and to drive social and territorial cohesion in the area.

Several private partners collaborating on urban-development projects in Catalonia will be at the Barcelona Catalonia booth, including the Gavà City CouncilForcadell, JAP, Miete, Rödl&PartnerThe Real Plaza and Meridiana.

We look forward to seeing you there. For more information, contact with:

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