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The nautical sector of Catalonia generates 1,028 million euros annually and employs almost 4,000 people in more than 500 companies.

In the quest to improve the competitiveness of the sector in the context of the 2024 Copa América, a project promoted by the Barcelona Capital Náutica Foundation together with ACCIÓ and Barcelona Activa, has been initiated to decarbonize recreational boats.

The study, commissioned by the consulting firm Cluster Development, has revealed that almost 50% of income comes from industrial activities such as refit shipyards, specialized in large yachts, and the construction of smaller vessels for professional and recreational uses. In addition, it highlights the growing importance of sustainability, with companies developing ecological propulsion technologies and applying sustainable criteria in construction.

The action plan, led by the Sector Roundtable for the Decarbonization of Nautical Activities, will address key challenges such as innovation, digitalization and training. This plan seeks to position Catalonia as a leader in the transition towards a more sustainable nautical industry, taking advantage of the opportunity provided by the celebration of the Copa América in Barcelona.

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