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Catalonia offers young, multilingual talent, competitive salaries, great surroundings, accessible facilities and a public administration committed to ensuring the projects’ success.

The 16th Annual European Shared Services and Outsourcing Week took place in Dublin from 24 to 26 May. Barcelona Catalonia, through the City Council and Government of Catalonia, presented the value proposal to position Barcelona as a benchmark in designing activities that encompass Shared Services Centers, centers that offer strategic support activities, with global competence. Likewise, Barcelona Catalonia lead the panel discussions in a series of interactive conferences entitled Onshore vs. Offshore: Which location will propel your SSC plans forward? (and which will only hold you back)’ aimed at identifying investment trends and changes in the way companies value locations.

This event, geared towards the international business community, with direct ties to the sector of shared services centers, brought together professionals and multinational corporations from around the world to explore advances and news in the sector, exchange good practices and assess the global offers and possibilities of regions and cities presenting their proposals. In this regard, several direct meetings were held during the events with representatives of companies interested in investing in Barcelona.

An SSC (Shared Service Center) is a body that is, inside or outside of a corporation, carries out specific processes and activities that were previously done in a decentralized way in the market, by different business units or in different geographic locations. This way, different strategic operational processes are combined into a single business unit that is more competitive and provides its services globally.

Barcelona’s participation in the European Shared Services and Outsourcing Week aims to reinforce its positioning within the sector, as a city of business and preferred destination for centralizing shared services activities, to identify real opportunities for investment for the city on the global market and present the main initiatives geared towards supporting companies that generates value-added employment.

The presence of Barcelona Catalonia and the interest of participants in this proposal show the international strength the country is taking on in the value-added activities sector, based on a multicultural society that offers young, multilingual talent –with 23,000 students from around the world each year– competitive salaries, consolidated technology ecosystem, accessible facilities, and public administration committed to ensuring the projects’ success.

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