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  • The group develops and manages logistics and industrial platforms throughout Europe
  • The future logistics platform in Martorelles will be connected via the A-7 and AP-7 

British group Segro, which specializes in developing and managing logistics and industrial platforms, has acquired the former Domar New Pol factory in Martorelles, Barcelona. With an expected investment of 10.4 million euros, they will use this land to develop a36,800 m2 logistics platform. 

The land of this former productive center is located in the Roca industrial park, approximately 20 kilometers from Barcelona, with connections to the A-7 and AP-7 motorways. Other groups like Coca-Cola and Mango also have important facilities in the area.

Segro is a real estate investment group that, among other business, develops and manages logistics platforms throughout Europe, although their presence is most noteworthy in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Poland. The company’s assets are valued at 4.8 billion euros.

Sources inside Segro affirm that this operation, carried out with advisory services from consultancy Estrada&Partners, is a significant development opportunity in a great location with good transport connections, representing a great step forward in the expansion of their logistics activities in Spain.

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