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  • This is the Catalan capital’s highest ranking ever on City RepTrack
  • Barcelona’s reputation is mainly based on quality of life

The City RepTrak 2015 report, compiled by the Reputation Institute from a study on 100 cities around the world, ranks Barcelona sixth among world cities in terms of reputation. This is the Catalan capital’s highest ranking ever, up three spots from the previous year.

The ranking is led by the city of Sydney, followed by another Australian city, Melbourne, then Stockholm, Vienna, and Vancouver in the fifth spot. Madrid, however, is ranked 21st and no other Spanish cities even make the list of the top 100 in terms of reputation, according to the Reputation Institute.

The study reveals that Barcelona’s reputation is based on quality of life (culture, city’s beauty, lifestyle, experiences, public figures who live here, etc.), which is rated ‘excellent’ and puts the city third in the world in that category. At the same time, the city has improved in the institutional and economic areas.

City RepTrak has been compiled since 2011 and is based on thirteen attributes grouped into three areas: administrative efficacy, economic development of the city and attractiveness of its surroundings. The interviews for the report  (19,000) are conducted with citizens of the United States, Canada, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan and Russia.

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