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Barcelona has been officially selected as the world capital of architecture in 2026 by Unesco and the International Union of Architects (UIA). This initiative seeks to highlight the role of architecture and urbanism in culture, the identity of cities and their sustainable development.

As the World Capital of Architecture, Barcelona will host a series of events and activities throughout 2026 in collaboration with the Higher Council of Spanish Colleges of Architects (CSCAE) and the Official College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC). Barcelona City Council will facilitate an extensive program that will include exhibitions, activities and companies to highlight the value and importance of architecture and urban design in the sustainable development of the city.

With this designation, Barcelona became the first city to host the UIA World Congress twice, having hosted it in 1996, four years after the Olympic Games. This opportunity will allow the city to once again highlight its international architectural importance and its commitment to sustainable development.

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