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With the closure of 2021, optimistic figures are coming in from the Port Authority of Barcelona, reflecting a recovery of the sector after the pandemic. As far as container traffic is concerned, we bid farewell to the year with a great recovery, with a 20% increase in containers compared to 2020, and a 6% increase compared to 2019.


As for the value of traffic in tonnes, it has increased by 12% compared to the previous period. However, it remains very close to the pre-pandemic figures, closing the year with 2% fewer tonnes than in 2019.


According to Damià Calvet, president of the port authority, these figures “are a demonstration of our resilience as a port”, Calvet adds, “we serve the country in a structural and robust way, we must be flexible and adapt to the circumstances”.

On the other hand, President Calvet plans to implement the IV Strategic Plan 2021-2025 in 2022 and the deployment of the Innovation Plan, vital for the transition towards a benchmark smart port. 


Find out more about his strategic plan in the following video:

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