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According to Salvadó, the figures indicate that the current volumes will have a knock-on effect, meaning that more and more Asian brands will use the port of Barcelona for their operations, which will allow for a significant future in this regard. Salvadó also mentioned that the port’s current silos will not be sufficient to accommodate the expected increase in volumes.

Lluís Salvadó stated that in 2022 the Port of Barcelona experienced an important development in the import of electric vehicles from American and Asian brands, which have chosen Barcelona as the most efficient port to enter the Iberian Peninsula and head to the rest of Europe.

The port’s president stressed that the increase in volumes will have a knock-on effect, which will also lead Asian brands to work with the port of Barcelona. Salvadó added that the number of electric vehicle manufacturers passing through his facility is around 20, but this number is expected to continue to increase this year.

The president of the Port of Barcelona has stated that the port is confident that the import traffic of vehicles produced in Asia will increase by 2023. According to Salvadó, the flow of Asian cars is considered a strategic commitment, and the figures indicate that more and more Asian brands will come to work through the Port of Barcelona. The president also pointed out that the port will have to make changes to accommodate this traffic, as the current silos will not be sufficient. In 2022, the port of Barcelona recorded a significant increase in the import of electric vehicles, which has led to the need to make modifications to the facilities.

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