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Between January and March 2022, Catalan exports of goods recorded an increase of 14% compared to the same period in 2021, according to the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism. Catalan sales abroad accounted for 24.4% of the total for the whole of Spain, ahead of Madrid with 16.5% and Andalusia with 11.8%: Barcelona recorded the highest increase in exports (19%) with 16,296 million euros exported between January and March this year. It is followed by Tarragona with an increase of 2.9% and 996 million euros and Girona with an increase of 2.1% and 683 million euros.

The sectors that have led Catalan exports are chemical products, which have represented 32% of total exports in Catalonia, followed by capital goods (15%) and food, beverages, and tobacco (14%).

And in national terms, Spanish exports of goods rose by 23.9% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the same period of the previous year. It reached 89,611 million euros, a volume that represents an all-time high for this period.

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