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This year the world-famous Mobile World Congress (MWC) has managed to exceed expectations by reaching more than 100,000 attendees in this new edition, a figure that has not been seen since 2016. This growth has not only been solely quantitative, but also qualitative, since half of the participants hold senior management positions, reflecting a trend that the event organizers have promoted in recent years to underline the strategic nature of the congress.

In a context of recovery from the pandemic, MWC 2024 has established a new economic record by exceeding, for the first time, the 500 million euro impact. This figure, which is calculated annually to measure the economic benefit of the event, includes both direct spending in the local economy and taxes collected by the central government.

In addition to this direct economic impact, the MWC has generated more than 9,200 temporary jobs to meet the demands of the congress, both the GSMA (Global System for Mobile Communications) and Fira de Barcelona and the participating companies. Since 2006, it is estimated that Congress has created more than 160,000 part-time jobs, often offering young people their first job opportunity.

A GSMA report highlights that this year’s economic impact figure doubles that obtained in the first edition held in Barcelona 18 years ago, in 2006. Since its arrival in the city, the MWC has contributed more than 6.3 billion euros to the local economy, consolidating itself as a fundamental event for the region.

“The MWC and Barcelona form a perfect combination of innovation, collaboration and shared success. Without the support of the host city and its residents, we would not be able to hold such a successful event each year,” said John Hoffman, CEO of the GSMA. “The economic impact of the MWC in Barcelona is a sign of confidence in the city and demonstrates our joint success. After 18 years of collaboration, the MWC is much more than a congress for Barcelona, ​​and Barcelona is much more than a city for the GSMA,” added Jordi Valls.

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