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More than 15,000 people took part in the event, during the three days of its 25th edition. In addition, the organisation counted the participation of 650 companies, 40% of which were international, and more than 250 events held within the framework of the sectoral fair. It had an economic impact in Barcelona of 50 million euros, exceeding the initial estimate of the Zona Franca de Barcelona.

The profile of the vast majority of the participants is that they are decision-makers in their companies, said the director general of the Zona Franca de Barcelona, Blanca Sorigué. She also stated that the organisation’s wish was to continue the success of the event for at least another 25 years. She also announced the dates for the next edition to be held in 2024, which will take place on the 5th, 6th and 7th.

The special delegate of the State in the Zona Franca of Barcelona, Pere Navarro, highlighted the satisfaction of the companies participating in the event, who closed business deals and established high quality contacts throughout the three days. Navarro highlighted the growth of the fair in terms of internationality, business impulse, networking and market knowledge.

The organisation emphasised the use of its digital platform to encourage networking, revealing that 8,317 digital contact exchanges, nearly 3,000 meeting requests and 7,106 messages were made between attendees, according to official sources. In addition, a marketplace for recruitment was set up in collaboration with the public platform Barcelona Activa, which resulted in 107 job interviews out of the 374 applications submitted. Among the companies offering vacancies were Alquimia Fruits, Cargobici, Cargo-Partner, Decathlon, DHL Supply Chain, Grupo CTC, Mail Boses, Torrella Ingeniería-Arquitectura and Vanapedal, according to the event organisers.

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