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  • The new FedEx centre covers some 20,000 square metres
  • It is located near the logistics warehouse being built by Amazon, next to the El Prat airport

FedEx, the American rapid-freight transport multinational, has opened a new logistics centre in the Zona Franca. The new warehouse, located on the former site of the Seat car factory, occupies an area of ​​19,905 square meters – of which 2,400 will be allocated to offices -, and count on 200 loading docks, 93 for truck parking and 120 for vans.

This new facility is equipped with new technological innovations, which include integrated weight and volume capture systems that provide 360 ​​degree images on all sides of the goods delivered, improving traceability. It also possesses an automatic classification system with the latest ‘cross belt’ technology, with a capacity to process up to 10,000 packages per hour.

The new FedEx centre, which will be employing nearly 300 people, is close to the logistics warehouse being built by  Amazon, next to El Prat airport, from where it will be covering a large section of its Mediterranean market. FedEx, like other messenger companies such as UPS, work with Amazon, a world leader in e-commerce.

The opening of this centre will allow FedEx to improve both its FedEx Express and TNT services not only to customers in the region but also overseas, according to sources from the company itself, and the move forms part of the American multinational’s strategy to create a vast logistics network in Europe. The area rented by the company belongs to CILSA, the public-private association that manages the Logistics Activity Zone, or Zona d’Activitats Logístiques (ZAL).


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