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The American Birchbox, a pioneer of beauty e-commerce, chooses Barcelona for its e-commerce operations center
![Portada de la publicació: 2021 - Digital Startup Ecosystem Overview 2016](https://barcelonacatalonia.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Lamericana-Birchbox-pionera-del-comerç-electrònic-de-bellesa-escull-Barcelona-per-al-seu-centre-operatiu-de-commerce.jpg)
On the 10th anniversary of Birchbox ’s arrival in Spain, the pioneering multinational of e-commerce beauty has decided to locate its business decision-making center in Europe in Barcelona. This coincides with the reorganization of the company around what, from now on, will be its two global operating centers in New York and Barcelona, chosen for its good location for logistics management.
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