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All this hand-in-hand work has led to an alliance between Tech Barcelona and the real estate group Núñez i Navarro (NiN) to promote technology hubs. This alliance is not expected to translate into projects in the immediate term, as the basis of this alliance is based on the same strategic vision and the same interest in recovering strategic spaces in Barcelona and turning them into vectors that will drive the city’s digital transformation. The two entities want to focus the projects with a long-term horizon.

Around 500 workers are expected to work there, including small companies looking for a coworking space, slightly larger firms that set up their offices there, and even hospitals. Among the first users of this new center are names such as Vall de Hebron and Bellvitge Hospital. Even with more than 5 months to go before it opens, they have already allocated 20% of the available space and have a waiting list to accept applications.

Miguel Vicente and Miquel Martí, president and CEO of Tech Barcelona, have made the following statements about this new Pier <>, said the former. <>, he added. <>, the councillor pointed out.

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