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The company Sareb has launched an offer of plots of land, all located in Spain. These are some 543 plots of land on which buyers will be able to build their new homes.

Most of these plots are located in Catalonia, all of them in the provinces of Barcelona (117 plots), Tarragona (75) and Lleida (68).

Depending on the area of Spain, the price can vary. The difference is significant between the south of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Prices between these two territories can vary by several thousand euros.

On the entity’s website, you can find all the available plots, depending on the area and the economic value that the potential client is looking for. By browsing the website, they can access valuable information such as the surface area of the plot, photos and plans.

Sareb works with different real estate agencies to market its assets. Any of them can be contacted on the website to obtain more information about the offer.

In addition, Sareb reinforces its marketing under the slogan ‘We have the perfect plot for your villa’, thus providing information about the different plots of land they have, each with different characteristics.

Sareb is known for the great power of buying and selling problematic assets from financial institutions. Since 2013 they have been aiming to reduce this portfolio of properties.

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