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The Real Estate Market Outlook 2024 report from CBRE (Global Commercial Real Estate Services) indicates that Barcelona will experience a revival in real estate investment throughout the year, especially in the second half, projecting growth of more than 10%, exceeding 2,000 millions of euros. A fact to take into account after the 49% drop in investments during 2023. The hotel sector led the investment with 578 million euros, followed by the industrial and logistics sector with 555 million.

Investment in housing fell by 68%, registering 323 million euros in Barcelona, although coliving and other flexible modalities increased significantly. The conversion of offices is suggested to increase the supply of housing. Greater vacancy of offices and their adaptation for residential and hotel uses is expected.

Barcelona will focus on specific technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and health sciences, taking advantage of its powerful technological fabric and foreseeing significant developments in the coming years. The importance of the life science sector is highlighted, which has numerous startups, university hospitals, research institutions and jobs.

In summary, Barcelona anticipates a reactivation in real estate investment, with emphasis on the hotel sector and the need to adapt obsolete offices. In addition, the city aims to consolidate itself as a technological hub specialized in AI and health sciences, taking advantage of its available infrastructure and resources.

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