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Following the award of a plot of land to the firms Panattoni, which will locate a data processing, storage and distribution centre (DPC), and Impar Capital, which will develop a student residence. Parc de l’Alba, in Cerdanyola del Vallès, has become the largest data centre hub in Catalonia.

With an investment of 36.6 million euros, the two firms have acquired nearly 80,000 square metres of land, located in the Parc de la Ciència. As the Vice President for Digital Policies, Jordi Puigneró, announced during the MIPIM fair in Cannes (France), “Today we are showing the power of one of the areas on which Catalonia is focusing on the coming years. We want to be a digital nation, and today we have signed the contract for the largest Data Processing Centre in Catalonia, making Parc de l’Alba the most important Data Centre hub in the country”.

Panattoni and Impar Capital have jointly presented themselves to the tender called by INCASOL, but each will develop its own project independently, and foresee an investment of more than 150 million euros.

In the case of Panattoni, it has acquired a plot of 68,058.56 m² in which it plans to invest a total of 100 million euros in the construction of the largest data processing centre in Catalonia. This centre will attract major opportunities for industrial and logistics projects from all over Europe.

Impar Capital has acquired a plot of 11,514.74 m² in which it plans to invest 5.93 million euros in the construction of a student residence with 375 beds.

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