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  • Investment totalled €322 million and 5,455 new jobs were created
  • There are currently 8,642 foreign companies established in Catalonia, according to ACCIÓ

The Catalan Ministry of Business and Knowledge has announced last year’s foreign investment indicators for Catalonia. According to these figures, 2018 was a great year for foreign investment, setting a new record in foreign investment projects managed and carried out, as well as creating new jobs through this investment.

In this regard, the Government of Catalonia attracted 84 foreign investment projects in 2018, up 20% from the previous year, with a total investment of €322 million (+34%) and the creation of 5,455 new jobs (+70%). These projects have received support and guidance from ACCIÓ, the Ministry of Business and Knowledge agency for business competitiveness. Sources inside the Catalan government highlighted that their goal is to drive the productive economy, the job-creating economy, which in the case of the foreign investment projects attracted by ACCIÓ made up 7% of all job creation in Catalonia in 2018.

In 2018, 39% of foreign investment projects carried out were new investments by companies already established in Catalonia, for example to build new plants or production lines. Additionally, 37% of the projects were greenfield, meaning multinational corporations landing in Catalonia for the first time. This type of investment has nearly tripled over the past five years compared to the previous five-year period.

By sector, ICT projects lead the ranking (27%), followed by automotive (14%); logistics, e-commerce and distribution (12%); chemicals and plastics (11%); and the pharmaceutical industry (7%). By value chain, 25% of the projects are industrial, followed by ICT (18%), services (15.5%) and R&D (14%).

Finally, with regard to the country of origin for these investment projects, the United States (24% of the total), Japan (14%), United Kingdom (12%), Germany (9.5%) and France (9.5%) led the ranking in 2018. There are currently 8,642 foreign companies in Catalonia.


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