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  • The annual accumulated of hired spaces for logistics reaches 486,946 m²
  • 15 agreements of over 10,000 m2 each where closed during the first three quarters of 2018

Recently, Forcadell consultancy firm made public its report on the Catalan logistics real state. The report concludes that this year’s third quarter closed with a figure of 99,557 m² of hired spaces for logistics, which represents a growth of 28% compared to 2017 same period.

The report states that the annual accumulated reached 486,946 m². This figure already exceeds the total hired in 2017.  The first three quarters of 2018, then, hold a new record: the highest figure of the last three years, and 55% higher than 2017 same period.

In terms of geographical distribution of operations during 2017 and the first semester of 2018: the second metropolitan area of influence was the one to register more operations; similar to 2017’s trends and totalling a 47% of all operations.

On the same wave length, according to Cushman & Wakefield real state consultancy firm,  up to September the hiring of spaces for logistics in Catalonia had grown 53%, when compared to 2017 same period, reaching the figure of 497,000 m2.

The consultancy firm highlights that, during 2018 first three quarters, 15 agreements of over 10,000 m2 each were closed. Among the biggest, it stands out Mercadona’s hiring of a 10,500 m2 warehouse on a 20,000 m2 site located in Barcelona’s Zona Franca. Also, the company DHL will invest in a new logistics centre of some 3,000 m2 in Castellbisbal.

As per geographical zones, 45% of operations were closed in Barcelona and Baix Llobregat (Barcelona), 38% at Vallès (Barcelona), and the remaining 13% among the regions of Camp de Tarragona, Bages (Barcelona) and Girona.


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