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  • This positive development is due to the hiring of e-commerce logistics operators
  • In the first semester 8 operations of over 20,000 m² each have been recorded

The real estate consultant Savills Aguirre Newman has recently published data of contracts for the logistics market in Barcelona and Catalonia. According to this information, the logistics market reached a contracting level of over 390,000 m² during the first half of 2018, and in a mere 36 operations, a figure that represents an increase of 74.4% with respect to the same period during the previous year (22 operations).

The report found that this positive development is largely due to the recruitment of e-commerce logistics operators, which is currently an important market driver. In terms of seasonal fluctuations – a total of 186,000 m2 corresponds to the first quarter of the year and the remaining 204,000 m² to the April, May and June period. The rental operation of a 48,000 m² logistics warehouse by the fashion platform  Vente Privé, in La Bisbal de Penedès was perhaps the most noteworthy operation.

Three trends are worth highlighting. Firstly, the ‘turnkey’ projects being undertaken in the Port de Barcelona Logistics Activities Zone (ZAL) and in the first industrial ring of Barcelona. Among them, the projects of warehouse for Saica (20,500 m²) in Sant Esteve Sesrovires (Barcelona), and the construction of a ‘cross docking’ (non-storage) warehouse for Cilsa in the ZAL.

Secondly, the immense demand experienced by locations closest to Barcelona has placed available stock at levels of below 2.5%. To tackle this issue, new projects, many of which are already in their planning or construction phases, are being promoted in the first and second metropolitan ring areas.

Finally, another trend that has arisen during the first half of this year is an increase in the surface area being contracted in each operation. In the first six months of 2018 a total of 8 operations totalling more than 20,000 m² each have been registered, while during the same period in 2017 only two similar operations were carried out.


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