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  • Catalan sales abroad reached €18,236m, a 3.3% more than the previous year
  • Catalonia continues to be the first exporting autonomous community of the country with a 25.7% of the total

During 2018 first quarter, Catalonia sold abroad goods worth €18,236m, a 3.3% more than same period last year, according to data recently published by the Ministeri d’Economia i Competitivitat (Spanish Department of Economy and Competitiveness/Business). These data also confirm that Catalonia continues being the first autonomous community in the country in volume of exports with a 25.7% of all sales to third parties. It is the best quarter ever since first reported in 1995.

In this sense, it is important to highlight that the increase of Catalan exports is higher than the European Union’s mean (+2.9%), as well as higher than the mean of countries such as Germany (+2.8%) or the UK (+2%), and equivalent to that of Italy (+3.3%) during the same first quarter.

According to the same source, sectors that leaded the exports in Catalonia during the first quarter where the automotive (+18.4% and €3,379m), the chemical (+1.8%, €4,733m) and capital goods (-1.1%, €3,054m). In particular, the automotive exports increased by 18.4%, up to €3,379m. The automotive was the sector with a bigger growth in exports, but the sector which grew more in value was the chemical, with4,733m.

Catalonia’s main market is Europe. Almost three quarters of its exports go its neighbours. By destination, the increase of products traveling to Portugal stands out (6.6%), then Germany (5.6%), France (3.8%), the UK (2.5%) and Italy (1.1%). Sales to Turkey increased by 27.4%. On the other hand, exports outside Europe increased by 0.5%, and represent a 33.7% of the total. Sales growth stands out in Africa (8%), Latin America (6.9%) and Oceania (4.4%).

Finally, in reference to Catalonia’s own territory, exports during the first quarter increased in Barcelona (+5.1%, €14,439m) and Lleida (+2.5, €450m), but decreased in Tarragona (-4.3%, €2,038m) and Girona (-2.2%, €1,308m).


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