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The office market in Barcelona is thriving in its recovery from the impact of the pandemic, and closed the first quarter of 2022 with a 21% increase in office take-up.

Between January and March 2022, a total of 91,000 square metres of office space was contracted in the city. Of these contracted offices, 37% were located in the periphery, 27% in the centre, 26% in new business areas and 10% in “business districts”.

According to Office Leasing, the Catalan capital will have a total of 322,000 square metres of new office space by 2022, 33% of which has already been pre-let.

CBRE forecasts that office take-up in Barcelona will exceed 300,000 square metres by 2022. “A city capable of attracting companies is a city capable of attracting investment,” said the head of CBRE Barcelona, Xavier Güell, who said that in 2021 the Catalan capital broke a historical record by becoming the European city with the greatest exposure to the technology sector.

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