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The Institut Català del Sòl, INCASÒL, will develop a strategic plan to generate 8,000 hectares of land for industrial and logistical uses, planned to take place between 2022 and 2025.

Faced with the great demand for areas of more than 10,000 square metres, Incasòl plans to expand its current 443,000 square metres of land. By 2025, the 8,000 hectares it seeks to include in the plan will be developed through different plans.

Among them, the urban master plans that it is promoting in Torreblanca-Quatre Pilans, in Lleida, with 1,280 hectares, will stand out. Other outstanding estates are Catalunya-Sud (already for sale), Tortosa and two more in the Logis Empordà area.

It also intends to include high-demand areas currently under study, comprising 600 hectares in the Gavà and Valls areas. It does not neglect other municipalities with less demand, but with a need for territorial rebalancing, such as Cardona, Olvan and Organyà.

Furthermore, it is important to note that the contracting of industrial and logistics land in Barcelona stood at 885,000 square metres in 2021, 129% more than the previous year. Given the scarcity of this type of land, it is good news that the intention to continue adding metres in the coming years is good news.

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