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The Catalan Soil Institute (INCASÒL) has announced the call for a public competition to regularize the farmland within the scope of the Gallecs Natural Interest Area Park. This initiative aims to guarantee the sustainable use of agricultural spaces, while preserving the ecological and landscape value of this protected area, located between several municipalities of the Vallès Oriental.

Protection of the environment and promotion of agriculture

With this call, the INCASÒL aims to establish a legal framework that regulates the use of agricultural land within the park, ensuring that agricultural activity is compatible with the conservation of natural ecosystems. Gallecs is a key space for biodiversity and the preservation of native flora and fauna, but it also has strong agricultural roots, with crops that are part of its landscape and heritage.

The competition allows local farmers to access contracts for the use of land, always under sustainability criteria. The Minister of Territory, Juli Fernandez, stressed that this measure will promote “environment-friendly agriculture, which will contribute to the protection of the area and its natural value”.

A commitment to the territory

The Gallecs Natural Area has been consolidated as an example of coexistence between human activity and the protection of the natural environment. With this contest, INCASÒL reaffirms its commitment to ensuring the balance between the preservation of biodiversity and sustainable rural development, supporting local farmers who contribute to keeping this unique space alive.

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