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The South Korean ship HMM (Hyundai Merchant Marine) will start its own transport service between the Far East, India and the ports of Valencia and Barcelona that will consist of 26 calls to ports in 11 countries.

This service will start on August 6 in the port of Busan (South Korea) with a duration of 84 days in total. Company sources have predicted that the ship will arrive to Valencia and Barcelona, approximately, in September.

From its departure, it will also pass through the ports of Kwangyang (also South Korea) and continue its route through China, Malaysia, India, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to later reach the African continent and pass through Egypt, and finally, enter Europe and pass through the ports of Greece, Italy and the APM Terminals facilities in Valencia and Barcelona (Spain).

“With the introduction of the FIM (Far East – India – Mediterranean) service, we hope to expand our reach to India and the Mediterranean trade,” sources from the shipping company said.

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