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● It will implement Industry 4.0 solutions based on digitization and robotization

● The new facilities, measuring 24,000 square meters, are added to its Montornès center

The German multinational group Henkel has chosen Catalonia to locate its leading logistics center for southern Europe. In Montornès del Vallès, the company has invested 22 million euros in an automated warehouse, which will centralize the logistics of its laundry and household detergent division, and the objective of which is to reduce delivery times thanks to the implementation Industry 4.0 solutions based on digitization, robotization and the implementation of cutting-edge technology.

The new facilities, measuring 24,000 square meters and in addition to the center that the company already has in Montornès del Vallès since 1994, where it has invested more than 50 million euros in recent years, will allow the accumulation of some 500 different products and will be they will be able to manage in total more than a million pallets per year.

Henkel’s own sources affirm that this new automated warehouse is a new demonstration of Henkel’s commitment to its center in Catalonia, which, after more than half a century of activity, has become a benchmark center and produces more than 200,000 tons every year of detergents, liquid detergent, and adhesives, employing more than 500 people and exporting to 60 countries.

In the new logistics complex, Henkel has also installed 80 plates to produce the necessary energy for the machinery located inside, and an innovative management software will reduce electricity consumption. The company’s goal is to reduce its carbon footprint by 90% and become a positive company for the climate by 2040.

Henkel has its headquarters in modern and efficient facilities located in 22@ de Barcelona,  ​​which operate as the multinational’s decision-making center on the Peninsula. Globally, the German group had a turnover of 20,000 million euros last year and has more than 50,000 workers around the world.

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