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Ebro has recently relaunched production at the former Nissan factory, where the last vehicle came off the line in December 2021. The company aims to become a benchmark in the automotive sector in Spain and Europe. EV Motors has chosen to relaunch the historical Ebro brand, which disappeared in 1987.

Three years ago, EV Motors and Chinese multinational corporation Chery signed a deal giving the Chinese company control of 40% of EV Motors to reactivate the facilities, which will initially manufacture the S700, a 4.5-metre long SUV. Then Ebro will start manufacturing a second model, the S800, and in the last quarter of 2025, the Omoda 5.

In mid-2025, the company expects to have three shifts up and running with 350 workers. And in 2026, Ebro will reach its commitment to the administrations and trade unions to employ 1,250 former Nissan employees.

In a first phase, the vehicles will arrive in parts and be assembled at the plant, which is known as CKD assembly. The factory expects to manufacture nearly 1,400 vehicles in 2024 and more than 30,000 in 2025.


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