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  • • This will create 70 new jobs for professionals specializing in new technology
  • • The center will design and implement the company’s global digital communication strategy

The Nestlé Group has decided to set up its Global Digital Hub in the facilities the Swiss multinational corporation has in Esplugues de Llobregat. This center will serve all of the group’s companies around the world and will create 70 new jobs to form a team of professionals specializing in new technology.

This digital services center will design, shape and implement the company’s strategy to communicate with clients through social media and maintain the digital platforms Nestlé uses to communicate with consumers. These platforms will include solutions in the digital marketing arena, e-commerce and communication with consumers by designing websites, mobile applications and digital services.

As a result, the professionals joining this new global hub will be young, knowledgeable about digitalization and experts in both technology (IT specialists, telecommunications engineers) and marketing or managing digital projects.

Nestlé has chosen Barcelona as the home of its Global Digital Hub for the city’s renowned capacity for innovation and technology ecosystem, its excellent level of knowledge regarding digital technology and its accessible location, according to the company.

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