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  • Barcelona Catalonia presents an offer of 2 million m2 of land for industrial and logistics use, and 3 million m2 for offices.
  • Especially noteworthy is Parc de l’Alba, one of the strategic projects for Catalonia.

The real estate market in the office, industrial and logistics segments has definitely revived in Barcelona and Catalonia. This makes it particularly significant that Barcelona Catalonia, an initiative promoted by the Government of Catalonia through Incasòl and the Barcelona City Council, will be present at Expo Real, the leading event for the real estate sector in Europe, held in Munich from 5 to 7 October.

This year, the Barcelona Catalonia presence at Expo Real will include Cimalsa, a public company of the Government of Catalonia that promotes and manages cargo transport and logistics infrastructures. The initiative will present projects looking to boost innovative activities, economic growth tied to research and new technology, and strategic transport hubs and business parks, with a total of 2 million m2 of land for industrial and logistics uses and more than 3 million m2 for offices.

One noteworthy inclusion is Parc de l’Alba, with more than 130 hectares of land available for economic activities. It is a strategic project for Catalonia and one of the most advanced science, technology and business platforms in Europe, with the capacity to create 40,000 new jobs for highly qualified workers. The park is home to the Alba synchrotron, one of the most important research facilities in the Mediterranean region, as well as companies like IBM, Sener, T-Systems and la Caixa.

Barcelona Catalonia promotes the development of strategic projects for a new city and country model with close ties to the knowledge economy, in order to position Barcelona and Catalonia as hubs of innovation, promote development of new real estate projects, encourage the investment of foreign capital and attract cutting-edge companies.

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