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The total traffic through the Port of Barcelona was more than 53 million tonnes from January through September, up 11.3%. Container traffic is noteworthy, with nearly three million TEU, up 21.4% from the same period last year.

In this regard, liquid bulk cargo continues to post good results, with 10.5 million tonnes, up 11.2%. Additionally, the number of ITU (intermodal transport units) has increased 2.6% for a total of 328,918 lorries and trailers. The number of new vehicles, 509.255 units, continues to decrease (-13.8%), reflecting the state of the European automotive market.

On the other hand, a total of 4,317,304 passengers travelled through the Port of Barcelona between January and September, up 4.2% from the same period last year. Ferries had 1.4 million passengers (1.1%) and cruise ships, 2.8 million (6%).

Port of Barcelona traffic with the main markets has increased for both imports and exports. It is important to remember that the port facility generates €4.213 billion in gross value added (GVA), which is 2% of the GVA of Catalonia and 0.4% of Spain.


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