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The multinational agri-food company Danone is to open its new technology centre in the Catalan capital. It will be a benchmark space in which its main activity will be to develop innovation and digitalisation projects for the company’s operational processes. This new opening will mean the creation of 35 new jobs.

The centre has been in operation since the beginning of September, but the selection process will last until December. The profile the company is looking for is for specialists in technology and data analysis.


According to the director of Danone’s It & Data area in the Iberian Peninsula, Nicolas Cosqueric, they have been innovating in all areas of the business for years, but now they need to accelerate the digitalisation of the business and the new space in Parets will allow them to grow in this area.

The company’s press release made it clear what the objective of this strategy was, which is to gain more efficiency and consolidate market strategies through digital transformation.


“Danone’s decision, which joins the recent ones of Pepsico, Google and Microsoft, shows the potential of Catalonia as a reference in the field of innovation and technology”, says the “conseller d’empresa i treball” Roger Torrent. “This type of project represents the values we look for in any foreign investment: linked to industry, committed to talent, with quality jobs and which position Catalonia as a benchmark in the knowledge economy”, he adds.

The multinational company recognises that this new centre is a strategic commitment and that the aim is for it to become a benchmark within the company.

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