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The multinational has acquired 100% of the capital of Mecàniques Troem (Torelló, Barcelona) for the manufacture of parts for the automotive sector.

PXI Automotive has made an initial investment of close to 1 million euros to start up this November the new production centre in a 2,700m2 warehouse in Sant Pere de Torelló, which is dedicated to deep-drawing metals and cold stamping.

With this investment, it intends to give continuity to the activity that has been carried out until now in the factory and will maintain all the jobs, with the manufacture of bent tubes and machined parts.

The company has received the support of ACCIÓ and the visit of Roger Torrent, Minister of Business and Labour of the Generalitat de Catalunya, who stressed during his visit to the facilities that “This is an example of the model of industrial reinvestment that our country needs, especially in a sector as important and strategic as the automotive sector”.

The general manager of PXI Automotive Spain, David Prats, stressed that the fact that Catalonia has an automotive cluster was undoubtedly relevant to the company’s decision.

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