News Category: News

You've got 706 news in this category

Barcelona Airport exceeded


Barcelona Airport exceeded 4.2m passengers in March, 13.8% more than in 2023

Territory allocates 2.4 MEUR to the rehabilitation and adaptation of homes in small municipalities


Territory allocates 2.4 MEUR to the rehabilitation and adaptation of homes in small municipalities

The District hopes to bring together 12,000 professionals from September 25 to 27 in Barcelona


The District hopes to bring together 12,000 professionals from September 25 to 27 in Barcelona

Media Markt promotes the internationalfinancial hub it has in Barcelona


Media Markt promotes the international financial hub in Barcelona

Barcelona as an epicenter of science and innovation


Barcelona as an epicenter of science and innovation with the creation of the Barcelona Science Innovation District

Cataluña atrae inversiones extranjeras por valor de 880 millones de euros en 2023


Catalonia attracts foreign investments worth 880 million euros in 2023

Mountpark expandeix la seva presència a Espanya adquirint terreny per a la construcció d'un centre logístic


Mountpark expands its presence in Spain by acquiring land for the construction of a logistics center