News Category: News

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L’economia catalana creix un 0,9% el tercer trimestre i el PIB interanual s’incrementa un 3,8%


Catalan economy grows 0.9% in third quarter and year-on-year GDP is up 3.8%

L’empresa xinesa Coovally, especialitzada en serveis d’IA, estableix a Barcelona la seva seu a Europa


Chinese AI company Coovally establishes European headquarters in Barcelona

El tràfic de mercaderies al Port de Barcelona creix un 11,3% fins al setembre i supera els 53 milions de tones


Cargo traffic through Port of Barcelona up 11.3% for the year through September, with more than 53 million tonnes


First year of Norrsken House Barcelona with over 140 start-ups, 250 companies and 20 accelerators


Catalan exports reached a historic peak in July with a growth of 9.4%.


Equinix opens a new data center in Barcelona with a total investment of 52 million euros.


The Catalan economy exceeds the average for Spain and the EU in growth in the second quarter.


The blue economy adds up to one thousand companies and 5.5 billion turnover in Catalonia.