News Category: News

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El tràfic de mercaderies al Port de Barcelona creix un 11,3% fins al setembre i supera els 53 milions de tones


Cargo traffic through Port of Barcelona up 11.3% for the year through September, with more than 53 million tonnes


Real estate investment in Barcelona recovers, hitting €1.5 billion for year through September

L’economia catalana creix un 0,9% el tercer trimestre i el PIB interanual s’incrementa un 3,8%


Catalan economy grows 0.9% in third quarter and year-on-year GDP is up 3.8%

L’empresa xinesa Coovally, especialitzada en serveis d’IA, estableix a Barcelona la seva seu a Europa


Chinese AI company Coovally establishes European headquarters in Barcelona


First year of Norrsken House Barcelona with over 140 start-ups, 250 companies and 20 accelerators


Catalan exports reached a historic peak in July with a growth of 9.4%.


Equinix opens a new data center in Barcelona with a total investment of 52 million euros.