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According to Aena, Barcelona Airport received more than 4.6 million passengers in April, which represents an increase of 9.5% compared to the same month last year, surpassing figures that have been in a streak for 6 months.

Of the total, 4,600,973 passengers flew on commercial flights, 3,411,915 on international flights (an increase of 11.8% compared to 2023) and 1,181,226 on domestic flights (an increase of 3.3%). Compared to April 2019, the pre-pandemic period, passenger numbers increased by 1.7%.

The rest of the airports in Catalonia, managed by Aena, also experienced significant activity. Girona-Costa Brava, the second busiest in the region, registered 170,688 passengers in April 2024, 88.0% more than last year but 2.7% less than in 2019.

Reus airport, located in the south of Catalonia, registered 101,970 passengers in April, 31.5% more than the previous year and 87.6% more than in 2019.

Sabadell airport had 4,502 operations in April 2024 but only 455 passengers, 23.4% less than last year but 87.2% more than before the pandemic.

Overall, Catalonia’s airports are experiencing a strong recovery, surpassing pre-pandemic levels and setting new records.

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