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Catalonia reaffirms its outstanding position in digital transformation, according to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI Catalonia 2022). The report, led by the Department of Business and Labor of the Generalitat de Cataluña and prepared by the Technological Circle of Catalonia, confirms that the region remains the fifth most digitally advanced in Europe for the fourth consecutive year, with a digitalization rate of 63.96%, exceeding the EU average by 11.69 points. Despite improvements in all dimensions, the emphasis on advanced skills training and stagnant growth in electronic commerce among small and medium-sized businesses stands out.


Catalonia stands out in connectivity, occupying second place, and leads in fixed broadband. In the integration of digital technology, it advances to seventh position, highlighting the level of digitalization of Catalan companies. In digital public services, it maintains fourth position, but there is still room for improvement in the position of users within electronic administration and open data in Catalonia.

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