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This increase is partly due to 229 investment projects by multinational companies, 11% more than in 2021, which will generate some 19,500 new jobs when implemented.

The fDi Markets database is an international tool used by multinational companies to study future business investment projects.

The Catalan Minister for Business and Labour, Roger Torrent, has highlighted that the record number of foreign investment registered in Catalonia in 2022 is excellent, as it is linked to the productive economy and will generate stable and quality jobs.

The Government of Catalonia has broken a historical record in attracting foreign investment in 2022 through ACCIÓ-Catalunya Trade . Investment. Despite the volatility that this type of indicator can generate, Torrent has underlined that the volume of foreign investment recorded in Catalonia in the last five years has reached 20.3 billion euros, representing a 29% increase compared with the previous period.

Over the last five years, 950 projects have been registered, an increase of 58%, and 44,500 associated jobs have been created, representing an 82% increase.

In short, foreign investment in Catalonia is experiencing steady and solid growth that is contributing to boosting the productive economy and generating quality jobs.

Torrent has stated that the main investment projects in 2022 were from companies in the United States, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Switzerland and China. The main sectors were ICT, machinery and equipment, infrastructure, electronic and electrical equipment, food and pharmaceutical industry.

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