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In 2023, the Government of Catalonia has promoted the creation of more than 5,000 social rental homes through public subsidies, as part of an ambitious plan to increase the number of these homes in Catalonia by 10,000 in the next three years. These subsidies, coming from both European funds and specific resources from the Generalitat, have resulted in the construction of a total of 5,337 homes, exceeding initial projections.

The Minister of Territory, Ester Capella i Farré, highlighted the relevance of collaboration between government entities and private actors with a social commitment to improve access to housing in Catalonia. Likewise, she called on the Government to comply with the State Housing Law, which would allow rental prices to be regulated in Catalonia.

This comprehensive plan contemplates various strategies, such as subsidies for housing promotion, the transfer of public lands and the direct construction of housing by the Generalitat.

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