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Still closing the figures for 2021, according to data from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, from January to November 2021, Catalan exports reached 73,844 million euros, which represents an increase of 22% over 2020 and 7.9% over 2019.

According to the Ministry, Catalan exports represent 25.1% of total state sales abroad, which in total amounted to €30,308.8 million, 22.6% more than in 2020.

The executive director of ACCIÓ, Joan Romero, celebrates “Every time there is a slowdown in the world economy, the first thing that recovers in Catalonia is exports”, analyses Romero, who attributes the “speed” of the numbers to a “Catalan economy that is very much inserted in global production chains”.

According to the executive director of ACCIÓ, the most powerful sectors in exports this year have been goods and equipment (25-30%), chemical products (around 20%) and food and beverages.

Cataluña lidera las exportaciones de mercancías y aumenta un 22% respecto al 2020

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