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The Minister for Enterprise and Employment of Catalonia, Roger Torrent, attended the Hannover Messe trade fair in Germany to promote Catalonia as one of the leading regions in Industry 4.0 in southern Europe. The fair was attended by more than 200,000 visitors and leading companies in the industrial sector.

During the visit, Torrent held several meetings with leading companies in the Industry 4.0 sector, such as Siemens Energy and SAP, and also met with executives from Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the most important applied research centre in Europe. The mission was organised by the ACCIÓN-Catalonia Trade & Investment offices in Germany and Denmark.

Torrent stated that Catalonia was one of the industrial engines of Europe and had one of the most advanced digital ecosystems on the continent, which, together with the generation of specialised talent and the presence of key scientific-technical infrastructures, placed it as one of the most capable regions in Industry 4.0. During his participation in the Hannover Messe fair, the minister focused on the latest trends in advanced manufacturing and automation, as well as the use of new energy resources such as hydrogen and how industry is incorporating technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and the cloud.

The minister travelled to Denmark to strengthen international connections in digitalisation and sustainability. During his visit, he met with different relevant technology centres such as Digital Hub Denmark, the State of Green and the Danish Technological Institute. He also held meetings with executives from companies such as Hempel and IO Interactive. The aim was to look for new ways to collaborate with Catalonia and to learn about the latest trends in digitalisation and sustainability in the country.

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