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The Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia (DOGC) has recently published a call for financing of 250 million euros aimed at promoting the construction of social rental housing.

This initiative, led by the Housing Agency of Catalonia (AHC) and the Institut Català de Finances (ICF), offers subsidized loans to public and private developers who already have public subsidies for the construction of officially protected housing.

The objective is to cover the part of the cost of housing not included in the subsidies. This drive seeks to increase the stock of social and affordable housing in Catalonia, guaranteeing the right to housing for all citizens.

Beneficiaries of this loan line may request a minimum credit of 250,000 euros with an initial interest of 3.65%, amortizable over a maximum of 30 years. The AHC will subsidize 0.70% of the interest, thus reducing it to 2.95%. This new call for financing represents double that announced a year ago, which has made it possible to promote 397 social housing units in Catalonia so far.

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